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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. View with Apache Velocity


2.1 Why not JSP
2.2 Velocity HTML template
2.3 HTML files directory struture

  3. Controller and dispatcher  


3.1 ControllerServlet
3.2 Controller
3.3 Dispatcher


3.3.1 Normal leaf dispatcher
3.3.2 Leaf dispatcher with success/failure
3.3.3 Dispatcher forward
3.3.4 Transaction per request
3.3.5 Web request dispatcher URL management
3.3.6 Page layout


4. O/R mapping


4.1 Apache Common DbUtils
4.2 Generate database model and base DAO class using Middlegen
4.3 Write your DAO class
4.4 Change to another O/R mapping implementation


5. Unit test


5.1 Normal unit test
5.2 Difficulty for full path unit test for J2EE
5.3 J2EE unit test without server in VelocityWeb

  6.SQL query result pagination